My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Fishing as therapy

The one piece of advice I keep hearing from just about everyone is, "Get out of the house! Go do something. Don't sit around at home, it'll only make it worse."

I think that is very true. Of course, sometimes I have no choice but to sit at home. Like when I'm broke, or it's bad weather, or I've got chores to do, etc etc ... But I'm making a conscience effort to get my butt out and around. Most of the time, just having some chore or project to occupy my mind will keep me from dwelling on my wife. Sometimes it doesn't help at all.

Take yesterday, for instance. I got home from work and my neighbor/fishing buddy/pool shark/motivator, Skip wanted to go fishing. Now fishing is one of my favorite pastimes, so we loaded up his truck and went to explore this new pond he had found. We fished for about three hours. Caught numerous bass, crappie and bream (catch and release only). Had a grand time. Normally, I would call that a great day. But for some reason, yesterday my heart just wasn't in it. I stood there on the banks of this gorgeous little pond and thought about my wife the whole time. Her face, her hair, her smell, her kiss, her voice. All those things I miss so much. And this is while fishing!!! A sport which does require at least a little bit of concentration!

I guess I've been noticing that I have up and down periods. They seem to last about a week in length. I'm in a bad, bad down period right now. Brought on, I'm sure, by the revelation from a friend that my former wife is involved with someone else. And this guy, in all probability, was in the picture for a couple of months before she left me.
Until that bit of information found me, I had been doing pretty good over the last several weeks.

I'm considering going fishing again this afternoon. More therapy. When I can walk around the lake/pond for two hours and think about nothing but fish .... I'll know I'm making progress.

One day at a time, folks. One day at a time.


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