My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Friday, May 28, 2004

Feelin mellow

Long, slow day at work today. Not much to do.
Of course, that means my mind works overtime. Oh well.
One of my biggest concerns about this whole mess is that I'm becoming an alcoholic. I used to drink socially. Now, I'm downing a beer or glass of wine as soon as I walk in the door from work!
A friend used to refer to that as "self medicating". Ha ha ...
I've got 2 glasses of wine in me right now and I'm feeling pretty mellow. Gotta chill. Big festival downtown Charlotte tonight. Ties in with the NASCAR race going on Sunday. Lots of food and drink, vendors and bands! Gonna meet a friend from work tonight and check out Joan Jett. Yep, she's still around and will be jamming uptown around 10:00p. Should be good to get out on the town.
Then again, one big drawback is that the ex and I went to this festival every year. So it wouldn't surprise me to run into her tonight. Don't know if that will be cool or not. If she's by herself, I can probably endure it. If she's with this dickweed she's dating .... hmmmm .... I know I won't do anything stupid. I have too much dignity for that. But it would suck pretty bad. Let's hope that doesn't happen!


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