My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Things and stuff

Been an interesting week already. And it's only Tuesday! ha!

Started the week off Sunday at Mom and Dad's. Went to church (excellent service) and then out to eat at my favorite restaurant in Kernersville, Sagebrush Steakhouse. During the meal, I was telling Mom and Dad about this new acoustic guitar I was interested in and how as soon as I got my tax-refund back, in a couple of weeks, I was going to splurge.

Well, my birthday is next week .... so low and behold my Dad whips out the checkbook and writes me a check (much to my protesting) and says, "Son, here's your birthday present from us ... you've had a bad year .... go splurge and buy that guitar and don't feel guilty about it .... maybe this will cover most of the cost."

Well ..... the check he wrote was for the exact amount of the guitar I was looking at! Hee hee! How's that!!??!! And I did not mention the price to them at all! Needless to say I was floored and tried to give it back .... but that only made my Dad threaten to "whoop my ass" ...... heehee ...... so I guess I'm getting that guitar after all! You just gotta love your family, eh?

Monday, at work, management handed out our job abolishment notices to everyone. Our entire shop (Wheel and Brake Overhaul) is closing due to Satan Airways outsourcing the work to a cheaper vendor. We have three days to turn in our paperwork to exercise our seniority ... either to the hangar, or to the street on furlough. I am going to hang on as long as I can. I have 22 and 1/2 years invested in the airline. It drives me up the wall at times but it is the only job I've known. Maybe I will get lucky and hang on. If not, oh well ....... you know the spiel: When one door closes, another one opens. I'll do the best I can. Hopefully I'll know something in a week or so.

I took today (Tuesday) off to take my dog Gracie to the vet. She's going under the knife today. Getting spayed. Hallelujah! I've waited long enough. She's been in heat twice since I've had her and anyone who's ever put up with that knows how hard that is to deal with!

So after the switches come out and she's all healed up, Miss Gracie-poo will be free to go with me to parks, and fishing and all that jazz without worrying about her.

So ..... here I sit on a beautiful Tuesday in February. Divorce hanging over my head, job in the balance, dog under the knife ..... and for some reason I feel real good today! I just feel at peace for some reason!
Of course, it could be because I just spent two hours cleaning my house and I'm wore-out! Ha! .........

Things have really went awry this past year in my life. But I still have so many things to be thankful for and I sometimes lose sight of those things.
My family .... Mom and Dad and all my assorted Aunts and Uncles and Cousins,
My friends .... Skip, Jeff, Scott, Pat, Steve M, Larry and Donna, Bill and Michelle, Todd F ...... I have the greatest friends in the world.
My two little furry family members .... Scooter the attack cat and Gracie-poo,
The return of spring, and with it FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wonderful step-daughter Stacia .... who keeps me straight and helps remind me that everything associated with Tori isn't bad! haaaahaaaa .... Love You Darling!
And last but most importantly: My Faith in God. I've done more praying in this past year than possibly all the years before combined .... with the exception of 1984 ....
At times I felt like the psalmist imploring God to "smite mine enemies" and at other times I've felt like Job ..... with all the weight of the world on me .... but through it all I've never lost the Lord's touch on my shoulder .... that constant hand reminding me he's along for the ride and ready to pick me up when I stumble!!!!!
(Thank you Rev. Martin in K-ville for the sermon which so picked me up Sunday!)

Even when it's bad, Life is Good.

Peace ......


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