My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Friday, November 05, 2004

Weekend Plans vs. Being Broke

The weekend is finally here. Hurray! I'm kicking back at the computer, sipping on Crown Royal on ice, glad to be free for a couple of days.

So what do I do this weekend? Here's where the dilemma of the single man with no money comes into play! LOL I have a good friend, who I haven't seen in ages, playing with his band at Double Door at the Lake tonight. I would love to go see them play, but that will cost money to get in. And money for drinks. And money for food. Or, another friend ... a coworker .... is getting some folks together to go see the Checkers play hockey tonight at Cricket Arena. Always a fun time. But once again, money to get in. And money for drinks. And lots of money for high priced concessions.

Or, I can stay home and watch a DVD. And have a few drinks alone. Maybe cook me some pasta. Alone.

That is what sucks about being single and broke. When you're married and broke, at least you have your spouse for company. Staying home isn't all that bad when you have someone to stay home with.

Sigh. This is a dilemma I better get used to. With my pay cut, and the loss of my job looming, my days of going out on the weekends to movies, and pool, and bowling, etc ... are probably numbered.

Doesn't really do anything for dating prospects either. It sucks when you meet someone and you think to yourself, "Hmm ... I'd really like to ask her out. But wait, I have 4 dollars in my wallet till next payday. Where can I take a date for 4 dollars?" Answer: No where in Charlotte.

It's the ol' rock and a hard place. Work one lousy, low-paying job and you don't have any money left over to live after you pay the bills. But you got all the time in the world to sit there and do nothing. Work a second job, and now you have money to play with. But no time to do anything!

Oh well .... maybe I'll just go to bed early tonight, drag my carcass out of bed early tomorrow and drive up to the mountains for a little frosty, early-morning, sun-rising, trout fishing.
Brrrrr ....... makes me shiver to contemplate it.
But it beats sitting around all weekend doing nothing!


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