My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Friday, August 13, 2004

First sighting

I posted this same message at Yahoo's Hearts On The Mend group.
I couldn't think of a better way to word it, so I just reprinted it. Here it is:

Ok ...Ever since my wife left, I've been preparing myself for what happened today. I've known for some time that she has a boyfriend. The guy that she left me for. They're still together. Just that knowledge is gut-wrenching enough. But I've always known that one of these days, I would run into the two of them together. It was inevitable. We live just 3 miles from each other and travel in the same circles.
So I was coming back to work from lunch today ... and I met her car at an intersection. There she was, in the passenger seat. She saw me and I waved. No big deal. I see her out driving around a lot and many times I see her riding with her daughter driving the car.
But as the car went past me, there in the driver seat is not her daughter, like I was expecting, but this freakin' goon .... big cigarette dangling from his lips .... he's shooting me a look from hell as we pass. She gives me a brief, passing glance. I can see her mouth moving. I imagine her saying, "Shit .. there's my husband."
Even though I have been preparing myself .... it just pummelled me.I immediately felt sick to my stomach and my head started swimming. I literally thought I was going to have to pull over. Luckily, I was only about 500 yards from my work place. I pulled in and just sat in my car for a while. I didn't cry ... didn't freak out .... but it was devastating. Just seeing the guy in the flesh. Driving her car. Like I used to do whenever we went somewhere. The look that he gave me .. it was definitely a "go to hell" look.
I guess in a way I should be glad that I finally got it over with. No more wondering what the guy looks like, whether they're still together ...... sigh ........
I've still got a long way to go folks .......


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