My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Sunday, June 27, 2004

No remorse

I've been thinking hard about why I'm struggling so hard to forgive her.
I think it boils down to the fact that in all the times we've talked since the split, and all the times we've hung out together, she's never once showed one single ounce of remorse over the whole thing. Not one freakin speck. Not one stinkin' iota of sorrow, regret or angst over the way she treated me in the final days and weeks of our marriage.
In a note she left me in the final couple of days, when we were avoiding each other and she was staying at a friends house most of the time, she signed the note: "You're not the only one who is hurting."
You could have fooled me. That single sentence has never meant anything to me because she never demonstrated any actions to back it up. The only time she has ever said "I'm sorry" during the whole ordeal was the day we met the attorney to sign the separation papers. She said "I feel like this is my fault because I pushed too hard during the marriage. I'm sorry." That was it. Whatever that meant. She said it with a perfectly straight face as if she had rehearsed that line for a whole day. No tears, no look of sadness. Just a blank statement.
I've been talking to her Grandma some and she is just torn up over the whole thing. She said Tori never was able to stay with a man for long ... just like her mother. So why did she bother dragging me into a marriage she probably already knew wasn't going to last?
I guess I feel sorry in a strange sort of way for her current boyfriend. How soon til he gets the boom lowered on him?
He'll find out eventually.
I just wish she'd feel like I do ....I really wish she could feel some of the pain I'm feeling and know what it's like to have your heart ripped out. I don't think she's ever experienced it. She's always been the one dumping .... never the one dumped.
Some day she'll know it ...... if she ever gets the taste ... (with apologies to Ty Tabor of King's X).


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