My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Monday, June 21, 2004

My cat died tonight

One of my cats died tonight. Jewel. Technically, he was my wife's cat. But when she left me, she left Jewel with me. I was all for it .... because I adored the guy. Jewel was a beautiful white male with gorgeous blue eyes. He was a lovable lap cat. My neighbor called me up at my mom and dad's tonight to tell me Jewel was laying in the backyard dead. When I got home it was too late to investigate too much. It was after dark.
He has marks and blood on him like he's been attacked by a dog ..... or maybe shot ..... I can't tell. Maybe the vet can tell tomorrow.
Either way, I'm freakin' so sad.
I loved the little furry lug.
He was my buddy.
Something living and tangible that reminded me of Tori when life was good.
And now he's gone too.
What else can happen in '04?
I'm sitting here just feeling miserable. I've drank most of a bottle of wine because I feel bad. Of course, that will make me feel worse in the morning! And I have to work!
Sigh .....
What else?
The wife leaves me ..... my neighbor's wife dies .... and my cat dies ..... all in the same year .....
What a year so far.
What a way to turn 40 .......


At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's June 2005. Are you feeling any better now? I just lost my cat to a raccoon attack (I think). She was with me for 10 years and never left for a day. It's been 4 days now. I live in the country on a little farm. Originally, she was a barn cat but she moved into my heart and house. I feel so bad!!! It sure hurts. I keep hoping she will return but I think the coons got her. I never knew that coons will kill cats and eat them. I have her buddy and now I will be paranoid and keep him in the house most of the time.

Hope you are feeling better.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger todd day said...

Hey ....
I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. And it could very well have been a racoon. I have racoons in the woods behind my house and they occassionally venture up to the house to try and get in my trash cans. They can be quite aggressive at times and my dog Gracie just goes nuts whenever one is lurking around the fence in the backyard.

I have one other cat and he stays in all the time ... which is good. I never have to worry about any predators getting to him .. except my dog, that is ..... but she's just sort of stupid and never learns that my cat, Scooter, can kick her butt! heehee .... so they play and "fight" all the time.

Hard to believe it's been a year since I posted about Jewel. A lot has changed in a year but I still have my ups and downs. Some bad days and some good days.

Take care and keep your other little furry friend safe!


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