My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy Birthday

35 years ago today, while the rest of the country was grilling out, partying and shooting off fireworks, Linda Davison was giving birth to her first child ... her first daughter. She and her husband Tom, a seaman in the Navy in Oakland, California, named their daughter Tori Lyn.
32 years later, their daughter married a guy from North Carolina named Todd.
So today, while the rest of the country was grilling out, partying and shooting off fireworks, I was thinking about the woman I loved ..... the woman I still love ... and how much this day meant to me.
I tried to get through today without thinking about it ... that was foolish. I knew I wouldn't make it.
But I miss celebrating her birthday. I miss giving her a sappy card and watching her smile. I miss going to the mall and trying to find the perfect present. I miss telling her I love her on her birthday.
I miss her.
Happy Birthday darling.
I Love You.


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