My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Sunday, October 17, 2004

New Month .... New Worries

It's been over a month since I posted. It's been a real up and downer. Rollercoaster, as usual.

My dog keeps me busy in good ways and bad. She does bring joy into my life, which has been badly missing. But at the same time she has wreaked havoc as well. Destroyed furniture and mini-blinds by the box-full. She seems to have a strange fetish for eating mini-blinds. I do not have a solution for that problem yet.

My employer, US Airways has once again stuck a rather large knife in my back. I'm so used to it by now that the announcement on Friday that I will soon be on the receiving end of a 21% pay cut barely even fazed me. It's like, what else can go wrong? How else will they screw us? It's as if I've come to expect the worse from this sorry, inept bunch of posers and losers at the top of our company food chain .... I say food chain because that's all they know how to do. Eat employees and spit them out.

I will undoubtedly have to get a part-time job before this is all over with. Another thing to thank my dear, departed wife for. Thank you for nothing, you stupid bitch. With 2 salaries, we might have at least been able to cut back on some things and still lived comfortably. But there's nothing I can do about that now, so why cry about it?

I have been on a real strange rollercoaster as of late concerning my ex-wife. My emotional swings seem to go to extremes. I'm either completely and utterly done with her ... and full of bitter spite and hate for her .... or I'm finding myself in the swing in the backyard today, eyes filling up with tears and wishing desperately that she'd come home.

It doesn't help at all that I had another run-in with her and her new prick-boy the other day. Saw them from a distance in a shopping center parking lot. Tori and her Monkey-boy, and Tori's daughter Stacia. They were walking across the parking lot together like a happy little family. Monkey-boy looks even more like a thug up close than he did that day I got my first glimpse in the car. He's everything she didn't like about me. Go figure. Long, unwashed hair in a pony-tail almost to his waist, about 20 tattoos on each forearm up to his elbows, a beer-gut sticking out about a foot in front of him encased in a skin-tight "wife-beater" tank top, and a cigarette permanently attached to his lower lip. What a catch, Tori. What a real find ya got there sweetheart. What a man. How about a little compare and contrast here?

Let's see, in 2002 I was pestered, bugged, nagged and cajoled to death by Tori and her best friend Jamie to "get with the 21st century" and cut my long hair. So I finally did just to shut the bitches up if for no other reason. I guess that was all a big lie, eh?
I have one tattoo on my left shoulder which I've had for about 10 years. When I started thinking about getting another one on my other shoulder last year, I was almost begged not to. "You'll look like a thug, you'll look like a biker, it's a waste of money, your parents will freak" ... yadda yadda yadda. I guess tattoos suddenly gained sex-appeal to the bitch this year!
And the beer-gut .... hmmmmm ..... I could stand to lose about 15 pounds. Not bad considering I carry it pretty good on a 6'3" frame. But to her, I was "fat" .... in need of a diet, always drinking too much beer ... "making you fatter" ... on and on and on ..... Hmmm ..... maybe it was reverse psychology! Maybe she wanted me to actually get fatter, since that seems to be attractive to her on monkey-boy!

Yeah ..... I guess I was just a real asshole ..... so I guess this new guy is everything I wasn't .... oh, wait a minute .... he's everything I was!! And then some! Isn't that strange? Go figure!?!

Has any man anywhere, in the history of modern civilization, been ever to figure out women?
Point me in his direction .. cause I want to read every one of his books!

Well .... just wanted to rant a bit today. Try to post more often. With my new impending pay-cut, and the holidays fast approaching, I'm sure I'll have plenty to rant about in the days to come.


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