My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Friday, May 27, 2005

Good luck Janet and God Bless You!

This is a special post to wish a dear friend well .......

Janet is someone very special who I "met" on the Yahoo Hearts on the Mend Group. We have never met in person, but we have shared many conversations via email and IM over the last year. She has gone through her own heartbreak and heartache and we can relate to each other through our shared pain and grief and trying to overcome all the obstacles.

Janet is making a very brave move this weekend .... she and her daughters are moving from Pennsylania to Florida to be close to her family and start a new life.

From our conversations, I know she is excited and scared to death all at the same time. Who wouldn't be? But she is very hopeful that the future will bring happiness and goodness back into her life. Close to family and friends and far away from the person and place that brought her pain and heartache.

So to you Janet ... I simply wish the best of luck and Godspeed on your journey. Be safe and hold your chin up!

You're in my heart and in my prayers and I know you are doing the right thing!

Email me as soon as you're able to in Florida, and let me know how you all are doing. Even Chrissy the dog! heeheee

God bless and a big high-five from me!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Musings and so forth ...

Sometimes we, the denizens of cyberspace, have to be arm-twisted into updating. We have to be pulled kicking and screaming out from under the rock of complacency which we have hidden under so that others may renew their peeks into our lives ......

Of course, I only said that to "gouge" a little at my friend who chided me into a much needed update of "My Voice" .... It's really a shame that it took a friendly reminder to get me to update.

So here it is almost June. The weather is getting hot (although unseasonably fair this week) and the fishing is turning on! The mountain bike trails are drying out from all the spring rain and a young airline's fancy turns to thoughts of Merger!!!!!.


Business as usual around the workplace. Those of us who have survived up til now just keep on keeping on ..... waiting for the inevitable next round of cuts. At Satan Airways .... oops .... er .... Useless Air .... uhh .... US Airways, you can never really feel secure in your job ... or your seniority! So I try not to think, worry or dwell on the "what ifs" or the "whenevers."

Having said that, I will say that the hangar has been extremo busy lately. We have planes out the ass and not nearly enough people to work on them. Go figure, eh?
I would like to think that America West's management will swoop in this fall and make it all better .... but I keep getting deluged with flashbacks to fall of 1989 .... and "Mirror Image" .... those who were there will understand!!! *wink* *wink*

It all remains to be seen ... so why worry???

On the ex-wife front. Nothing else has really changed. I still struggle from time to time with my feelings. I still waffle back and forth between wanting her back in my life and wishing she would go far, far away from me forever. Thus it is. Maybe thus it will always be .... who knows? At least I'm not crying myself to sleep anymore. Haven't done that in ages. I still get the occasional "twinge" of melancholy at some thought or remembrance ..... but it fades into the background a little more every day. There is too much to hope for in the future for it not to.

Now ..... on to fishing .... my fishing buddies and I have been somewhat stymied so far this spring. Our favorite fishing hole, the ponds at the Catawba Riverfront Park, have become largely inaccessible due to the park closing for the construction of the Whitewater Park! We have found ways to "sneak" in, and get to our beloved ponds, but it's getting riskier and harder every time. And we don't want to get arrested for trespassing, so we've pretty much abandoned our fishing hole for now. We've been fishing the lake at Colonel Francis Beatty Park in South Charlotte and a few other spots here and there.

Everybody now, together: "If only I had a boat!!!"


That's about all I can write about for now. My pooch Gracie is well, and my furry little brat of a cat, Scooter. And the family is all good .... if I could only get my Dad to retire, already! Grrrr .......

I'm outa here ..... things to do and people to see!!!

Remember, Keep Hope Alive, Keep Pounding, and Love Your Brother ... no matter what color!

Peace out ....