My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Monday, October 24, 2005

An Impasse??

Well ....
Not much going on at the moment with my "renewed" relationship. I think we've kind of hit a wall, or a plateau .... or maybe an impasse. Maybe that's not the right word. Hmmmm ....

She is still dealing with the "other man" who just won't leave her alone and get out of her life. I know how he feels. That's the weird part. haha ....

We talked the other day and she said, "I need some room to breathe .... I don't have that ..... I'm dealing with you, with him, with the daughter .... everyone is telling me how to feel and how to live my life and it's driving me insane."

So I've backed off. Not out of the picture .... I mean, afterall, I can't disappear and let "monkey boy" take up all her time ..... she needs to know that I am serious and still care .... but if she wants/needs breathing room I'll give it to her.

She and Stacia came by last week and we had a good visit but I could see the stress on her. See it in her face, in her body language, in her speech ...... perhaps the only thing worse than being lonely and not having anyone to love is having too many people in your life!

Imagine that! hehehe

So for now things are kinda at a standstill. I want/need her to settle her own affairs and get her own house in order.

But I miss her and still love her and do want to continue to try and make something out of our salvaged relationship.

Patience may be a virtue .... but it can be a frustrating one!



At 3:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:37 AM, Blogger Janet said...

It is so obvious to me by the words you speak, and the words you write...just how much Tori and Stacia mean to you.

You know, we both had pretty much the same thing happen in our lives, and yet we have had extremely different outcomes. You still have a love that you are willing to work on. I don't know Tori, but she must have so much to think through. Dealing with everything that has happened in the past, and sadly,her part in it. Even I can understand that, I guess...because I know how hard it is for me, looking at this from the other side...and being told from friends and family what I should be doing, feeling, acting...what a load to carry.

We have all made mistakes. And we will continue to do all comes down to what we learn from them, and how we implement that in the future.

Give her a little time to think things through. I wish you both the best...I hope that everything works out the way you would like it too. You deserve nothing but the best.


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