My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

What I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 1 ... (part two at a later date!)

Ok ...... so just what the heck did I do with myself all day today on my glorious "work-free" Tuesday????

  • Went back to bed after calling in and didn't get back up til around 8:30am! Feeling very well rested, incidentally!
  • Fixed a gloriously big breakfast, for a weekday, and enjoyed it on the front porch while the temperature was still cool!
  • Sat on the porch and read the Observer from front to back while polishing off over half a pot of hazelnut coffee. Oh yeah!
  • Checked and rechecked my email, jotted off a few of my own, and checked on a few eBay auctions I'm watching.
  • Walked around the back yard and checked on my flower beds, weed beds (inside joke), vegetable garden (picked one cucumber and one tomato) and chased my dog around some while enjoying a couple more cups of coffee!
  • Played a round of golf on the computer, via Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2002 .... played historic St. Andrews in honor of last weekend's British Open. Didn't do nearly as well as the real Tiger did! hehheh
  • Took a small nap around noon ........
  • Fixed a large lunch, for a weekday, and polished it off with the first of about 4 ice cold beers! Yeah! If I were at work, where I was supposed to be, I'd be drinking bottled water instead!
  • Took a picture of myself on the front porch with one of the aforementioned cold ones, just to commemorate a great day!! *hic*
  • Too hot to sit on the porch long ...... fled back indoors.
  • Turned the lights off in the computer room and played Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic til my eyeballs were spinning around in my head.
  • Dinner time! Fresh veggies from the garden, ice cold fresh brewed iced tea, and a baseball game (cubs at reds) on the tube .... a fitting finish!!

Ahhhhh ....... now that's a good way to spend a day playin' hooky! Of course, if it had been about 10 degrees cooler outside, I would have gone fishing ...... or mountain biking, or maybe played a round of golf ....... but considering it felt like 140 degrees outside today ..... I think I did pretty dang good!

Back to the dungeon tomorrow!!! (albeit with a slightly better attitude!)


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