My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Slow News Week

I haven't posted anything since Monday ..... because good grief it's been a slow week.

The fishing on Monday didn't go well. My neighbor Skip started feeling ill about an hour after we got down to our ponds. Of course we were at about the furthest point from his truck as we could possibly be. So we started the long hike out with Skip having to stop every few minutes because he thought he was gonna hurl! What a long walk! I gave him my bottle of water to drink because he had already drained his Gatorade and was still looking bad. We finally make it back to his truck and drive back to the house with Skip white as a sheet and no fish! haha .... That's just the way it goes.

The rest of the week has just been hot and uneventful! Been sweatin' my everlovin' keester off at work. Been coming home in the evenings too tired to even cook dinner. Shower, cold beer, a pbj sandwich and bedtime at 9:00p! Geez louize it sucks gettin' old! heehee

Today started off looking like there was gonna be a major storm before lunch. We were watching the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy on the weather radar on the computers at work. But we got nothing all day til about 3:00p ... 15 minutes before quitting time! Go figure! But it did rain buckets at my West Charlotte house. And I guess a tornado did touch down somewhere in south-eastern Charlotte. So maybe today wasn't uneventful for everyone!

Oh well .... Red Sox and Orioles on ESPN right now so I think I'll go see if I can stay up past 9:00p for a change! Anyone want to bet on this one? hahahah .... All I know is I'm damn good at sitting down to watch a ballgame and waking up at 2:00am still in the recliner and some stupid infomercial blaring on the tv!! Been there, done that .....


At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heeheehaahaa...gramps is at it again! let me make you feel just a little bit better...yesterday when i got off work (at 5:00) was 103!!! Can you believe that??? And all I could think was "what in the hell am I doing here??" YIKES!!! (Yeah, an inground pool in the backyard is a very good thing!)

So who won the game? or were you able to make it that long??!! heehee!! I almost always check the scores out in the evening...yeah...gotta watch sports center too...what can i say, before i ended up in the land of spring training, i grew up outside of cincinnati, and my entire family is full of reds fans. of course, i'm definitely more fond of the big red machine...bench, rose, morgan, concepcion, and good ol sparky...did you know that we were at the game in cincy where they retired his number? what a show that was...everyone was was pretty cool.

Tell Skip I hope he is feeling better!!! Stay cool!!! Janet

At 8:18 PM, Blogger todd day said...

Yo Janet!
One guess .... yep, you got it ... I fell asleep in the recliner, got up around midnight, turned off the tv and went to bed .. heck, I still don't know who won! I never got around to reading the paper today ... LOL.

At least ol' "gramps" here is predictable, eh?

And believe me ... I mowed the grass today after work so I'll be out like a light even earlier tonight! Guaranteed!


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