My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Monday, June 27, 2005

Dawg-Daze of Summer

Anyone else feel like the dog-days of summer are already settling in over the Charlotte area?

Usually it's closer to the first of August before that vague sense of "damn I'm tired of summer" sets in and you start counting the days til fall.

Somehow it seems we've fallen into a bad weather pattern. A week or two of blistering hot temps and smothering humidity which leaves you laying around in the air conditioning too wrung-out to do anything productive. Then a few days of non-stop rain, fog and dreariness which leave you holed up in the house watching tv and surfing on the computer because it's too wet out to get any yardwork done or go do anything fun.

Maybe it's just me.

I just know it aint helping my funk lately.

Damn I've been in a state lately. Not really sure why. Could be lots of things ... lots of reasons. Job ... Tori ... neighbors ... family ... pets ... hell, lately just about everything stresses me out.

The weather becomes a factor. Hell, it might be a major contributor! Laying around the house bored can give anyone the "yips" ...

Oh well ..... just writing about it helps ... maybe this week it will cool off a little (it's supposed to) and I can play "dodge the thunderstorms" and get an afternoon of fishing in somewhere.

Now that would be good for my soul!!!!!!!


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