My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fishing Adventures

Never underestimate the value of your friends.

That value can become evident in any number of ways. And I don't mean "monetary value." LOL As a matter of fact, I've hardly ever made any money off of any neighbor.

But one real value of friends is entertainment value!!!

Last Thursday The Three Stooges .... er I mean .... the Three Musketeers .... (oh ok, Stooges is more like it) decided to go fishing on Mountain Island Lake. Just for the record, the Three Stooges are: myself, of course, Scott... my next-door neighbor, and Skip ... my neighbor across the street. So we loaded up Scott's boat with all our gear and plenty of water, gatorade and .... ahem ... beer ..... and headed out onto the lake.

We were cutting across wakes at record speed as we headed for our new favorite shallow cove. Suddenly ... *sputter sputter* .... the Yamaha engine dies. Scott makes the startling discovery that we are out of gas!!!!!!

"That's what it was I forgot to do!!" he exclaimed as we slowly coasted to a stop in the water.

"I knew the whole time we were putting the boat in the water that there was something I forgot to do."

Wow .... of all the things to forget. And naturally we are wwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyy away from the boat ramp. Like, a mile or two .... which is a long freakin' way on the water!!!!

So we decide the only thing to do is fire up the trolling motor, point it in the direction of the boat ramp, and slowly "fish our way back" to the ramp. Of course, this plan hinged on the trolling motor's battery having enough juice to get us all the way back to safety.

But .. we had plenty of liquids to drink, plenty of rods and tackle and plenty of daylight, so off we buzzed.

About 2 hours later we finally limped into "port" .... the battery was on it's last legs ... the beer was all gone and most of the water and gatorade ..... but hey ... in the long troll back, we managed to catch a nice share of bass and bream! So hey, what's not to like? As far as we were concerned .... it was just another day on the lake! Just a little slower than usual!!!!!

Needless to say .... the entertainment value of the whole affair was priceless! Between Skip and I riding the hell out of Scott for forgetting the gas, to Scott and I threatening to throw Skip overboard for talking smack, to both of them threatening to throw me overboard for catching the most fish .... it was a BLAST.

And as we always do, we ended the night with a stop at Vinnie's Sardines on Rozzelle's Ferry Rd for a few well-earned pints of Guiness and some Vinnie's grub!

Ya know .... to coin a phrase .... It just don't get no better than that!


At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a hoot! But, I'll bet he never forgets gas again.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger todd day said...

...and you can believe that Skip and I will never let him forget gas again!!!


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