My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Monday, August 01, 2005

Just Chillin'

I haven't posted in exactly a week, so I figured I better get off my patootie and write down some thoughts.

Anybody remember that recurring segment on Saturday Night Live called "Deep Thoughts with Jack Handey?" Heh heh ........ ok, anyway ..........

First the weather ... wow ...... last week was a killer, eh? Temps soaring into triple digits almost all week. It was next to umbearable at work. Thank the Lord our management finally did something human for us. They ordered cases of water for the hangar and put them in barrels full of ice in each bay. So at least we had cold water every day. Otherwise it was awful.

So this weekend was a welcome relief indeed! Temps in the 70's ..... rain (and lots of it) which my yard and garden needed desperately. In just three days my yard is starting to look green again. By the end of last week it had slowly gone brown and brittle. Of course, that just means I'll have to mow this week ..... maybe twice! Egad! There's always a downside to everything, ya know? heh heh

The drawback to the rain has been that I've been stuck inside all weekend. I started feeling a little queasy Friday night. By the time I went to work on Saturday, my stomach was in full rebellion. I don't know if I had a little bug ... a virus or something .... but I've been pretty much sick all weekend. All I've eaten is a couple of pbj sandwiches and an oatmeal cookie or two. So that's made me not feel like getting out and doing anything anyway. So here I sit. But ... I am feeling tons better this morning. As a matter of fact, I'm sipping on a cup of coffee while typing this and my stomach is actually growling at me! Heehee ..... sounds like a lion out on the Serengetti ...... so maybe that means I'm over it! I certainly hope so!

Then there's the fact that I haven't played guitar since about Thursday. I was fixing myself a sandwich Thursday night and tried to cut the end of my left hand ring finger off with a knife. Geez louize ...... So I've been sporting this big bandage on the end of my finger until last night I finally took it off. The finger's healing nicely but the cut is right where the fingertip would hit the guitar string if I tried to play. So dammit I can't sit around and entertain myself! I guess that's why I have pets, eh? Gracie and Scooter have been chasing each other all over the house the last couple of days ... much to my amusement. They are excellent entertainment when you need them!

Tori's been creeping around the outside edges of my mind all week. For starters, I dreamed about her three times last week! What is up with that? In all the dreams it was like it was back in the good old days. We were married and our old friends were around and life was good. Of course, those are the dreams I hate. Because when I wake up in the morning with them fresh on my mind, it depresses the hell out of me to roll over and see the empty spot in bed beside me.

Then there's the fact that Stacia's birthday is in two days. I got her a card and a present and will figure out someway to track her down and give it to her. I miss that kid as much as I miss Tori.
I still can't believe she's turning 18 years old!!!!!! It can't be true. Someone must have fast-forwaded all the calendars around here. What happened to the giggling 12 year old I knew when I first met Tori? She's been replaced by a remarkable young lady who is mature beyond her years and lovely beyond measure. I hope I can have her in my life in some small way forever.

Well ..... I have to run to the vet today and pick up some heartworm pills for Gracie, and get Scooter his rabies booster. So that will give me at least one excuse to get out of the house today. Always an adventure taking a cat to the vet! Yes sireee .......... it'll be interesting to see how much cat hair I have to vacuum out of the car when I get back, and how many scratches I have on my arms! heehee

You gotta love em!

That's all for now.


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