My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Slow and Steady

It's been about a month now since Tori and Stacia invited me to dinner at Olive Garden. That dinner definitely marked a turning point in our relationship, but there is still much work and much talking yet to do.

Last week we saw each other about every other day. Then we spent almost the whole weekend together. We went to the Greek Festival on East Blvd here in Charlotte on Sunday. Ate way too much chicken pitas and baklava but had a great time.

So are we a couple again?

No. Not yet.

We are definitely friends again. Maybe more than "just friends." But we're not a couple again. Not yet. Maybe not for a while. I think we both believe now that it is possible for that to happen.

We've done a lot of soul searching and soul baring in the last month. A lot of confessions .... and apologies .... and reminiscing ........ and looking toward the future. I've always known that I still loved her. I never dreamed I'd here the same words come out of her mouth.

She told me she has regretted leaving me from day one .... that she has regretted hurting me from day one ..... that she has wanted me back from day one ..... but her pride and her stupidity and her bad choices have stood between us all this time. It took an epiphany about 4 months ago to begin slowly bending her back towards where "she was always meant to be."

Ok .... so now the inevitable question is raised: "How can you trust her after what she did?"

The answer: "Faith."
And "Forgiveness."

That's all I got to lean on.
It's all I need to lean on at this point.

I have a strange sort of peace in my heart. Like this was meant to happen.

So that even if it all ends again tomorrow ..... I will finally know for sure. I won't be plagued the rest of my life with the "what ifs" and the "whys" and the "hows" ..... all that has been answered now.

Now it's just a matter of time. For us.

We're moving slowly and steadily and just feeling it all out and going on faith and enjoying each other's company and talking and talking and talking.

I still feel like God's hand is in it. For better or for worse. One way or the other.

As always ..... I'll keep you all updated .....

Now ...... on to lighter subject matter .......
If anyone is at all interested, I have a silly little webpage at
Click here or paste into your web browser.
Check it out and drop me a note or leave nasty comments on the site ..... LOL .......
If you click on the link that says "View All of Todd's Friends" you'll see a picture of my beautiful step-daughter Stacia!
(shameless plug).

Ok ...... that's all for now!


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been my experience that when someone hits the bottom, on their own, of their own will, by their own design,...the desire and capacity to change and/or fix the issue or problem is usually tremendous...and usually works. In the instance of a marriage, especially, forgive the person and give them another chance. Don't let hurt feelings and anger block what could be a very rewarding relationship. That's my free, unsolicited advice for today.

At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Todd has not posted since Sept 14th.


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