My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Monday, January 30, 2006

Bored on a Monday

One of the downsides to having Sundays/Mondays off work is the whole boredom issue on Mondays. All of my friends and neighbors are back at work and the one or two coworkers I socialize with outside the workplace have Fridays/Saturdays off so they are at work too.

Now, this can be a good thing. Sometimes it's nice to have a day with no one bothering you or wanting any of your time. A day where you're free to do whatever you want to do without worrying about the phone ringing, or someone showing up on your doorstep. Also, it's a great day to get chores done like grocery shopping, going to the mall (ie. Bass Proshop) etc without dealing with the usual crowds.

But ... today I'm just bored. It's another crappy weather day ... gray and cloudy/foggy and misty like it was all day yesterday. Not exactly a good day to take the dog for a spin around Freedom Park or to take the mountain bike for an excursion through the trails of Francis Beatty. It's one of those days where I'll end up surfing the net half the day or going to Blockbuster. I do have to be at school at 6:00pm so I do have something to look forward to. But until then it's gonna be a long day I think!

So ... what needs updating?

Hmmmm ...... no new development on the Todd/Tori front. We're still living apart. Still talking on the phone. Still getting together occassionally. We're not a couple. But she still seems to not know if she wants to be or not. Sometimes I don't either. I'm not really looking for anyone else at this point, but I'm not going to turn away if I happen to meet someone.

Actually, I have met someone recently who I like a lot, but right now we're just really good friends. She's about 15 years younger than me, about 25 years old ... which is sort of different ... but when I'm around her I don't even think about the age difference. Like I said, we're not dating or anything. We're just friends but sometimes I think maybe I'd like to be more than friends with her and lately I've been getting a little vibe from her of the same.

Time will tell. Like me, she is a very, very busy person. She works full time and is involved with a whole slew of outside interests .... number one being that she sings in a band. That's how I met her. The drummer in her band is an old friend of mine and I started going to see them play around the area. She and I hit it off the first time I met her and lately ... I don't know ... we'll see. It is kinda nice to at least be sort of "interested" in someone for a change. Even if nothing happens with it.

Work sucks as usual. The merger is complete and Useless Air and America West are slowly integrating the workforce/management/ etc .... our new CEO talks a good game and promises a new outlook and a brighter future and a new corporate culture .... but so did Wolfe, and Ganghwal, and Siegel, and Lakefield ..... etc etc ad nauseum ..... So our hopes aren't very high.
To quote the Talking Heads song: "Same as it ever was ... Same as it ever was ..."

School is especially tough this semester. I'm still only taking two classes at a time, but this time I'm in class four nights a week instead of the three last semester. So by the time Thursday night rolls around I'm pretty whooped. Gettin' up at the crack of dawn and not getting home until sometimes around 10:30p - 11:00p adds up and my sleep deficit slowly builds throughout the week. By the time Sunday morning rolls around all I want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep. Since this semester began I've slept til after 10:00am each Sunday morning ... just trying to get back up to speed from the week.

But I'm still really, really enjoying school. The classes are just so much fun. When you're there you really don't think about the time. Usually it flies by anyway. Most of our work is hands on in the lab type stuff. Running the printing presses and making film/plates etc. We don't do that much classroom/lecture type material.

The end of the " new career" tunnel is still a looooong way away, but at least I can finally see the little twinkling light at the end of it. The day I turn in my ID badges and walk out that door a free man will be one of the best days of my life. It's great to have a goal in life!!! And what a goal .... to get the hell out of Satan Airways!!!

Well ... that about does it for today ... I'll try to write more often ....

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