My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Music as Therapy

I went trout fishing today. Did me good. Good to be out in the fresh air, standing in the water .... in touch with nature instead of in touch with the remote to my TV!
On the way home .. it was about an hour and a half drive .. I got melancholy. Happens alot. I put in a cd which has been the most amazing therapy for me.
Allow me to put in a plug ........
Ty Tabor is the guitarist for the band King's X. The Texas based trio had been putting out records since '88 and touring constantly.
Ty and his wife split up back in '99. He was devastated and went through a period of depression that lasted up until '02 and almost drove him to suicide, not to mention almost breaking up King's X.
To help himself deal with his demons, Ty did a "musical blog" if you will. He wrote a cd's worth of songs about his marriage and it's eventual failure. He called it "Safety" and released it in 2002.
It is the most amazing record. I've never hears such stark, emotional honesty from anyone. This dude went through hell. On the record he chronicles his every emotional swing ... from his love affair with his wife, to their problems and eventual split, to his depression and gradual healing.
I literally cried the whole way through the record the first time I heard it. That was about a month after Tori and I split up. A friend had recommended I get "Safety" and listen closely to the lyrics. I swear, I could be the one singing every one of those songs.
So I put it in on the way home from fishing. And cried through the whole cd ... just like the first time I heard it. It makes me realize I'm not the only soul who is in such pain. And it gives me hope, because Ty eventually healed. It took him 3 long years ... but he finally got on with his life and now has a new woman in his life who is making him very happy.
I can only hope. Right now, that just doesn't seem possible in the near future. It will be a long time before I can trust someone enough to open my heart to them. My heart's been broken too hard this time.
But I can hope ... and dream .... and keep listening to Ty Tabor's record. Because it's my situation to the tee. Expressed in ways I never could!
God bless him!


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