My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Thursday, June 03, 2004

How much time?

I asked this coworker of mine today how much time does it take to get over a marriage?
He's been divorced for years. He thought about it a minute and said that it took him at least 6 months to even get his head on straight. And even after that it was months more before he could even think about dating .... or even other women in general.
That made me feel a little better. It's been 5 months for me and I still feel like I have a long way to go. My wife, who has a boyfriend already from what I'm hearing, obviously got over me fast!! In a big way!!!!
That just makes the pain deeper, unfortunately. Whatever it was I couldn't give her .... she obviously had no trouble finding a man who could. I don't know whether to hate her or try to get her back.
I had a dream the other night that she called me crying, said she had screwed up and just wanted to come home. In my dream, I told her, "I've got to think about it." I woke up and never knew what happened. I wonder sometimes ...... how would I react if she called me tonight and said that very thing? Would I burst into tears and say, "Baby, the door is open ... I love you and forgive you ....." Or would I have to "think about it?"
Sigh ...... more stuff to think about.
I'm drinking again. Managed to go the whole weekend up to last night without an alcohol. Thought maybe I was making progress. But the wagon is slippery and sometimes I fall off.
Southern Comfort. It was the first drink we shared together. December of '99. It still tastes good today ... but not as good as when we shared it together.


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