My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Strange coincidence

So I'm standing at my work station today ... bored as usual. Lost in my own thoughts. I start thinking about Tori. When's the last time I talked to her? Did I call her, or she call me? Does it matter? Wonder what she's doing today. While I'm thinking all this, my cell rings. You guessed it. I couldn't answer it either, because there was a company "bigwig" standing about 5 feet from me and cell phones on the job are officially against company policy. Luckily I had it set on "vibrate" only.
So I call her back a little while later when the coast is clear. A nice conversation. We talked about some legal problems a mutual "aquaintance" of ours is having. We talked about our jobs. She asked me how I was getting along. I was honest. Told her not so good lately. Been on a down slide. She acted like she wanted to say something ... but couldn't because of where she was(work) ..... said she had to go (I could hear her boss talking to her in the background) ... signed off with a sorta cheery, "I'll call you again here in the next couple of days when it's a better time and we can talk."
I don't know what that means. I won't let myself get excited that it's good news. For all I know she could be calling to tell me about her new man ... or her job situation ... or whatever. But a tiny little part of my brain keeps going, "what if she wants to talk about us?" .....


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