My Voice

... an ongoing, honest conversation with myself and my friends about life, love, heartache and forgiveness. One foot in front of the other, one day at a time ...

Saturday, June 05, 2004

A Drug-Free Depression ... is it possible?

Got to clarify that headline. What I mean is this: is it possible to battle and get through depression without resorting to the use of drugs? I'm not talking about the illegal variety. I mean your prescription anti-depressents. Your Prozacs and your Paxils and your Xanaxs ......
Several well-meaning friends have suggested to me that maybe I should seek out professional counseling to help with my depression. Those suggesting this have all been through it at one time or another. Problem is, all of them were at some time prescribed some sort of anti-depressent by their therapist. Maybe this is good .... I'm not sure. But I'm just really leery of getting on the pill train. I know too many people who have gotten on and can't get off .... even years later.
I'm just trying to do the best I can, one day at a time, and rely on prayer, my faith in God, my family and friends, and all the self-help books I can get my hands on. I'm really afraid of the pill train.
Today ... I did alright. Kept busy all day. That helps. Only got down in the dumps and missing Tori once today. Managed to snap myself out of it. But that doesn't happen every day.
Night time .. like right now .. as I'm getting ready for bed .. is when I miss her the most.
I miss her tonight.


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